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The Center for Theoretical Physics, Sichuan University (CTP-SCU) is a research unit within the College of Physics, Sichuan University.It was established in 2002 based on the former Theoretical Physics Teaching and Research Section of the College of Physics.2010-2022, the center has been supported by the Special Fund for Theoretical Physics from the National Natural Science Foundation of China. the center undertakes the theoretical physics development project of Sichuan University. With effort we try to build an internationally competitive research center, promote interdisciplinary collaborations with other areas, and contribute to the development of physics research in China, especially in the Western Region.

研究生入学选拔有相当激烈的竞争,要求有坚实的知识基础,持久的兴趣和多方面的能力。我们鼓 励学生报考前向感兴趣方向的研究人员交流咨询预备要求和长期计划。如有可能,建议在本科阶段选修 一些研究生水平的相关课程。入学后,通常需要一到两年完成要求的课程。而科研方面的训练可能早至 第一年,从阅读文献、在导师或其他有经验的研究者指导下写作论文起,逐渐开始进行独立研究。学生 应与导师以及其它研究人员和学生保持频繁讨论,参加国内外的学术活动,并学会进行合作工作。毕业 后学生应在知识和能力方面都具有较强的背景,可以选择申请国内外院校的博士后职位以继续从事物理 研究工作,或在其它相关领域谋职就业。

The entrance selection of the graduate program has much competition. Solid knowledge basis, persistent interest and a wide range of abilities are required. Before applying, students are encouraged to talk to faculties of interested area for prerequisites and long-term plans. Taking some related courses of graduate level during the undergraduate years is preferred if it is possible. After admission, the required courses usually take one or two years. Training for research can be as early as in the first year, from reading literatures, writing research papers with guidance from advisors or other experienced researchers, gradually to doing independent research. Students should keep frequent discussions with their advisors as well as other faculties and students, participate in local and international academic activities, and learn to do collaborative works. After graduation, students should be equipped with strong background of both knowledge and ability, may choose to apply postdoctoral positions in local and international institutions and continue physics research career, or look for job positions in other related areas.

视研究方向而定,理论物理方向的研究生(硕士或博士)要求选修下列部分专业课程。注意选课系统 可能显示不同的课程名。请留意学期开始时的通知并向你的导师寻求建议。我们也欢迎有坚实基础的本科 生选修这些课程。

Depending on research areas, part of the following major courses are required for graduate students (MS or PHD) in theoretical physics. Notice that the class enrollment system may show different names for these courses. Please pay attention to announcements at the beginning of each semester, and ask your advisor for suggestions. Undergraduate students with solid background are also welcome to these courses.

理论物理前沿Frontier of Theoretical Physics

高等计算物理Advanced Computational Physics

群论和李代数Group Theory and Lie Algebra

高等量子力学Advanced Quantum Mechanics

量子信息和量子计算Quantum information and Quantum Computation

量子统计Quantum Statistics

固体理论Solid State Theory

原子核理论Atomic and Nuclear Theory

有限温度场论Finite-temperature Field Theory

天文和天体物理简介Introduction Astronomy and Astrophysics

高能天体物理High Energy Astrophysics

量子引力和黑洞物理Quantum Gravity and Black Hole Physics

规范场论和重正化Gauge Field Theory and Renormalization

超越标准模型的唯象学Phenomenology beyond the Standard Model

共形场论Conformal Field Theory

弦论专题Special Topics in String Theory

高等数理方法Advanced Mathematical Physics Methods

张量、群论和物理中的对称性Tensors, Groups and Symmetries in Physics

物理中的几何和拓扑Geometry and Topology in Physics

非线性物理Nonlinear Physics

量子测量和量子耗散理论Quantum Measurement and Quantum Dissipation Theory

凝聚态理论Condensed Matter Theory

量子多体理论Quantum Many-body Theory

粒子物理理论Particle Physics Theory

格点规范理论Lattice Gauge Theory

广义相对论General Relativity


量子场论Quantum Field Theory

粒子物理标准模型he Standard Model of Particle Physics

超对称和超引力Supersymmetry and Supergravity

弦论简介Introduction to String Theory

超弦理论Superstring Theory