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    美国Colorado大学Markus Raschke教授学术报告


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    报告题目1:Ultrafast nanoscopy: imaging structure, function, and dynamics of matter on its natural length and times scales

    Abstract: I will present the advances in multimodal linear, nonlinear, and spatio-temporal nano-imaging for the study of fundamental optical and plasmonic phenomena, coupled single molecule or quantum dynamics, with unprecedented nanometer spatial and femtosecond resolution, sensitivity and precision. To gain the desired simultaneous nanometer spatial resolution with spectroscopic specificity and femtosecond temporalResolution,we combine plasmonic and optical antenna concepts with ultrafast and shaped laser pulses to precisely control optical excitation on femtosecond time and nanometer length scales from the visible to THz spectral range. I will present several new concepts and examples extending tip-enhanced spectroscopy into the nonlinear and ultrafast regime for nano-scale imaging and spectroscopy of surface molecules and nanosolids.


    报告题目2:Science Advances: Pushing boundaries of knowledge through open access, not-for-profit publishing

    Abstract: This presentation will describe the mission and growth of Science Advances, the Editorial board and peer review process and standard, and review citation history to date. The journal was launched in 2015 and is led by over 110 academic editors who are high profile working scientists across all disciplines. The journal covers a broad spectrum of topics of all areas of science. The scope is to capture cutting edge research that is ground breaking both within and across disciplinary specialities. 



    Markus Raschkeis professor at the Department of Physics, Department of Chemistry, and JILA at the University of Colorado at Boulder. His research is on the development and application of new nano-scale nonlinear and ultrafast spectroscopy techniques to control the light-matter interaction on the nanoscale. These techniques allow for imaging structure and dynamics of molecular and correlated matter with nanometer spatial resolution. He received his PhD in 2000 from the Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics and the Technical University in Munich, Germany. Following research appointments at the University of California at Berkeley, and the Max-Born-Institute in Berlin, he became faculty member at the University of Washington in 2006, before moving with his group to Boulder in 2010. He is fellow of the Optical Society of America, the American Physical Society, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.




